Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Child Development Resource Connection Peel

CDRCP Connects community and practitioners with the information, resources, training and services that promote quality family life.

A guide to transition planning
for parents of children with a developmental disability
Dufferin and Wellington Counties and the
Regions of Halton Peel and Waterloo
May 2007. 

Get your free copy in PDF format at the CDRCP website. A great resource!

ErinOak Kids

ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development is the largest Children's Treatment Centre (CTC) in Ontario, providing a comprehensive range of treatment, rehabilitation and support services to approximately 9,000 children with disabilities and their families each year. A great organization, powered by great people!

The "Special Needs" Planning Group


"As parents of children with disabilities, one of our biggest worries is what will become of our son or daughter after we are gone and no longer here to care for them. Will their quality of life continue or will it suffer? How can we provide the money for the things that they want and need without disqualifying them from receiving government supports? All too often, we ask the questions but no one seems to have the answers. Because of this lack of knowledge in the field, Graeme Treeby co-founded The Special Needs Planning Group. Since 1997, the Group's sole purpose has been to assist families in establishing plans which will provide their family members with a disability with a decent quality of life for their entire lifetime while at the same time, preserving their entitlement to government support programs."

Thanks Graeme!



A project of Community Living Toronto.  

What is ConnectABILITY.ca


ConnectABILITY a website and virtual community dedicated to lifelong learning and support for people who have an intellectual disability, their families and support networks. The core of our community is accessible, self-directed access to valuable information and tools, ready on demand.

Take a walk around the "neighbourhood" and visit each special place. You’ll find the one that’s built just for you.

Autism Ontario

Hello parents, check out the link above to the Autism Ontario web site.  The site contains great information for families living with Austim.